Overcoming Procrastination
By Marty Nemko
Update; HERE is s a little video that should help...or at least make you laugh.
When I do workshops for the un- or underemployed, I ask them, “How many of you consider yourself procrastinators? Eighty to ninety percent raise their hand. When I do a workshop for top executives and ask the same question, only 20 percent do. I believe that procrastination is a career killer.Having had so many clients who are inveterate procrastinators, I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out the best way to help them overcome it. Here’s what works best, in a nutshell.
Step 1: There is a moment when you—usually unconsciously-- decide, “I’m going to do that task later.” Stay alert for that moment of truth, and each time, ask yourself, “Would I be wiser to procrastinate on this task or to do it now?” You’ll procrastinate less.
Step 2: Break the task down to baby steps. If you don’t know how, ask someone to help.
Step 3: If, later, you get stuck, struggle for no more than one minute. Chances are, if you haven’t made progress in a minute, you won’t. At that point, if possible, get help.
This site contains a number of more extensive articles on
overcoming procrastination.
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