The Good Life
By Marty Nemko
Consciously or unconsciously, we all are trying to figure out what is The Good Life.
Here’s my current shot at it:
--A career in which
- the work feels of value
- the work is moderate in quantity, difficulty, and stress.
- you’re liked by boss and coworkers
- the work environment is pleasant
- there are opportunities to learn and grow
- the commute is reasonable
- you earn a middle-class or higher salary.
- you can be ethical.
(Notice that I didn’t include, “a career you’re passionate about.” Enduring career passion is too rare to be considered requisite to The Good Life.)
-- An avocation you’re passionate about. Many people are passionate about: painting, playing an instrument, acting, filmmaking, writing, gardening, collecting, genealogy, politics, cars, computer games, pets, a sport, public speaking, photography, or making things from wood. Religion isn’t really an avocation, but for some people2w3eeeeeeeee, it is their primary outside-of-work passion.
-- Deep relationships: romantic, parent, child, mentor, protégé, friend.
-- Something to look forward to.
-- Gratitude. Going through life with an appreciation for all that’s good: from your health to your not living in squalor, plus all the small stuff: from that tasty tuna fish sandwich to the smell after a rain. The flip side is the ability to not overreact to life’s negatives.
-- Kindness. You’ll feel better about your life if you prioritize being kind.© Marty Nemko 2004-2025. Usage Rights