A Fast Way to Land a Job
By Marty Nemko
Many job seekers burn out before landing a job. They need an
approach that works fast.
Here's one:
What can you do today?
Identify 10 fast-growing companies-perhaps those with large ads in
the Sunday Register's employment section. Use the company's website
and the google.com search engine to learn about the company and its
CEO. For any companies that you might like to work for, FedEx a
letter to the CEO saying that having learned about the CEO and the
company, you'd love to work there. Explain what you bring to the
table. You might try this line: "Someone must have given you your
first break. I'm looking for someone to give me mine." Perhaps even
offer to volunteer for a day as a tryout. Odds are good that one of
the companies will offer you a job.
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